Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Episode 24 - Laura Howard

Image of Laura Howard

Laura Howard lives in New Hampshire with her husband and four children. Her obsession with books began at the age of 6 when she got her first library card. Nancy Drew, Sweet Valley High and other girly novels were routinely devoured in single sittings. Books took a backseat to diapers when she had her first child. It wasn't until the release of a little novel called Twilight, 8 years later, that she rediscovered her love of fiction. Soon after, her own characters began to make themselves known. The Forgotten Ones is her first published novel.

Learn more about Laura Howard @ http://laurahoward78.blogspot.com/

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Episode 23 - A Christmas Carol Special

Happy holidays from YAPodcast! In the words of Tiny Tim, "God bless us, everyone!" May you and yours have a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year!
A Christmas Carol Giveaway! 

Hop on over to the blog to enter this amazing giveaway!

Dream Slayer by Jill Cooper
Chasing Memories by Tia Bach
Broken Forest by Eliza Tilton
Lichgates by S. M. Boyce
Darkness of Light by Stacey Marie Brown
Curse of the Beast by Ashley Lavering
Silent Orchids by Morgan Wylie
The Perfect Place by Elaine Fields Smith
Change of Possession by M.R. Polish
Clicks by Amy Evans
Snow Bound by Elizabeth Kirke
The Great Wolf by Devyn Dawson
The Book of Lost Souls by Michelle Muto
Second Nature by Elizabeth Sharp
Winnemucca, a small town fairy tale by Laura A. H. Elliott
The Sour Orange Derby by Kristina Circelli
Rescue OR, Royer Goldhawk's Remarkable Journal by Amy Leigh Strickland
Wildflower by Amy Maurer Jones
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Episode 22 - Elizabeth Isaacs

Image of Elizabeth Isaacs
Elizabeth has her masters in music performance and at one time considered a career in opera. Her teacher's heart wouldn't stand for it though, and so she moved back to Kentucky and found a wonderful elementary school that needed her; she's been there for thirteen years.
Elizabeth has always been a writer, but it wasn't until she started working with at-risk children that she found the courage to share her work with the world. The Light of Asteria won honorable mention in the 2010 New York Book Festival, and the Kailmeyra series will be complete in the spring of 2013 with the release of the final book, The Heart of the Ancients.
Elizabeth is currently the acquisitions editor for Raven Key Press where she encourages new authors to grow. She lives in Lexington and continues to write and teach.
Learn more about Elizabeth Isaacs @ http://elizabethisaacs.com/
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Episode 21 - Shelley Martin

Image of Shelley Martin
Shelley Martin taught kindergarten and ran cattle; once upon a time.  She’s now an award winning author, mother and wife, and loves living in North Idaho.  Her imagination has always plagued her, the characters jumping into her head at some random song or thought.  She started writing when she was ten, finishing her first short story when she was eleven.  The paranormal has always fascinated her, and nothing draws her to the page more than the whisperings of fantastical creatures.
Learn more about Shelley @ http://shelleymartinfiction.com/
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Episode 20 - Angela McPherson

Image of Angela McPherson
Born and currently residing in Midland, Texas, Angela shuffles three busy children (not including her husband) all over the place. She works in a busy pediatric doctor's office as a nurse during the day, and writes at night. She is addicted to coffee----who isn't? And firmly believes chocolate can fix all----especially chocolate ice cream. She laughs a lot, often at herself and is willing to try anything once (she thinks). When Angela isn't rushing kids around, working or writing, she's reading. Other than life experience, Angela turns to a wide variety of music to help spark her creative juices. She loves to dance and sing, though her kids often beg her not to.
Learn more about Angela @ http://angelamcphersonblog.wordpress.com/

Sunday, December 1, 2013

YaPodcast's Holiday Celebration!

Join us on YAPodcast this Christmas Eve for a good old fashioned retelling of Charles Dicken's, A Christmas Carol. Gather your family around the fire (and your laptop) to listen to your favorite YA authors (and one blogger) share this holiday favorite! Plus, enter our spectacular giveaway! The Rafflecopter will be launched on the blog on December 13th and will conclude on Christmas Eve! You could win 17 awesome books!

Participating Authors
Jill Cooper
Tia Silverthorne Bach
Eliza Tilton
S. M. Boyce
Stacey Marie Brown
Ashley Lavering
Morgan Wylie
Elaine Fields Smith
M.R. Polish
Amy Evans
Elizabeth Kirke
Devyn Dawson
Christine Marquette
Elizabeth Sharp
Laura A. H. Elliott
Kristina Circelli
Amy Strickland

Giveaway Prizes
Dream Slayer by Jill Cooper
Chasing Memories by Tia Silverthorne Bach
Broken Forest by Eliza Tilton
Lichgates (Grimoire Saga #1) by S.M. Boyce
Darkness Of Light (Darkness Series Book 1) by Stacey Marie Brown
Curse of the Beast by Ashley Lavering
Silent Orchids (The Age of Alandria: Book 1) by Morgan Wylie
The Perfect Place by Elaine Fields Smith
Change of Possession by M.R. Polish
Snow Bound by Elizabeth Kirke
The Great Wolf by Devyn Dawson
An ebook of the winner's choosing (up to $2.99) gifted by blogger Christine Marquette
Second Nature by Elizabeth Sharp
Winnemucca, a small-town fairy tale by Laura Elliott
The Sour Orange Derby by Kristina Circellie
Rescue OR, Royer Goldhawk's Remarkable Journal by Amy Strickland
Wildflower by Amy Maurer Jones